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Aussie Play Casino Know Your Customer (KYC) Policy

Aussie Play Casino is unwavering in its dedication to providing a gaming environment that is not only entertaining but, more importantly, secure and responsible. Our Know Your Customer (KYC) Policy stands as a pillar of this commitment, outlining the meticulous procedures and measures we implement to verify the identity of our customers, prevent fraudulent activities, and diligently adhere to the ever-evolving landscape of regulatory requirements.

The KYC Process at Aussie Play Casino

Registration Process:

  • The KYC journey begins with the player’s registration process.
  • During registration, we collect essential information, including name, address, date of birth, and contact details.
  • This information is crucial for creating a user profile and initiating the KYC process.

Documentation Requirements:

  • Completing the KYC process requires players to submit valid identification documents.
  • Acceptable documents may include government-issued photo IDs, proof of address, and any additional documents necessary for a thorough identity verification.
  • Our documentation requirements strictly adhere to industry standards and regulatory guidelines.

Ongoing Monitoring:

  • Our commitment to security doesn’t end with the initial registration.
  • We conduct continuous monitoring of player accounts to detect and address any unusual or suspicious activities promptly.

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD):

  • For players engaging in higher-risk behaviors or significant transactions, we implement Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD).
  • EDD involves a more in-depth analysis of the player’s profile, including additional verification steps and scrutiny of gaming activities.
    Verification Procedures

Document Verification:

  • Upon the submission of identification documents, our dedicated team conducts a meticulous document verification process.
  • This step ensures that the provided documents are not only valid but also unaltered, cross-referencing the information with details provided during registration.

Biometric Verification:

  • In instances where an extra layer of security is warranted, we employ cutting-edge biometric verification methods.
  • Biometric verification enhances the accuracy of customer identification, serving as a robust deterrent against identity theft.

Customer Identification

Registration Process

The journey begins with the user’s registration process, a pivotal moment where we collect fundamental information such as name, address, date of birth, and contact details. This initial data serves as the cornerstone for creating a user profile and instigating the KYC process.

Documentation Requirements

Completing the KYC process requires customers to submit a range of valid identification documents. These may include government-issued photo IDs, proof of address, and any additional documents necessary for a thorough identity verification. Our documentation requirements meticulously adhere to industry standards and regulatory guidelines, ensuring a robust and comprehensive KYC process.

Ongoing Monitoring

Our commitment extends beyond the initial registration process through continuous monitoring of customer accounts. This proactive measure enables us to detect and address any unusual or suspicious activities promptly, reinforcing our dedication to maintaining a secure gaming environment.

Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)

For customers who display higher-risk behaviors or engage in significant transactions, we go above and beyond by implementing Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD). This involves a more in-depth analysis of the customer’s profile, including additional verification steps and scrutiny of their gaming activities.

Verification Procedures

Document Verification

Upon the submission of identification documents, our dedicated team embarks on a meticulous document verification process. This step ensures that the provided documents are not only valid but also unaltered, cross-referencing the information with the details provided during the initial registration process.

Biometric Verification

In instances where an extra layer of security is warranted, we employ cutting-edge biometric verification methods. This innovative approach enhances the accuracy of customer identification and serves as a robust deterrent against identity theft.

Periodic Review

Our commitment to KYC isn’t a one-time affair; it’s an ongoing process. We conduct periodic reviews of customer profiles to ensure that the information remains not only up-to-date but also accurate. Customers may be requested to provide updated documentation to maintain compliance with the dynamic and evolving standards of KYC.


Aussie Play Casino’s KYC Policy is not a mere regulatory checkbox; it’s a fundamental aspect of creating a gaming environment that prioritizes entertainment, security, and responsibility. By implementing stringent customer identification and verification procedures, we go beyond the regulatory requirements to prevent fraudulent activities, comply with ever-evolving regulatory standards, and uphold the highest standards of integrity. Our unwavering commitment to KYC safeguards the interests of our customers and contributes to a responsible, transparent, and ultimately enjoyable gaming experience for all.